Writing Prompt Wednesdays

April Journal #2

Do you use coupons?

Not really in the traditional sense of cutting them out of a flier and giving them to the cashier at checkout. If there are sales nowadays they are automatically accounted for at the time of purchase. However, if I do have a rewards card I use it; or if I’m ordering online and they have a discount code on the banner of the site or have emailed it or texted it to me – I will use it. I always used to look through the fliers as a little kid and pull out things and when we went to Costco I would hold on to the coupon sheet they gave us at the door to see if there was something new we would or could get. But we often didn’t need what was featured in those coupons anyways. 

What about you? Comment below!

Prompt from: Piccadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts