Writing Prompt Wednesdays

April Journal #1

Write about a time you said no.

Recently actually. My boss was redoing job assignments; he asked if I would be willing to teach something I had never taught before and at a very high level with minimal time to plan and zero training. If I took this assignment I would have to give up a part of my job that I love immensely. A part that really “fills my bucket” at work. It should have been a very easy NO, but I felt like I was being given a chance for career growth and I also felt compelled to say yes so that I would be seen as a “team player.” I stressed on the decision for over 24 hours. Ultimately, I said NO! Because I had to put myself first rather than the team to continue doing what I was living for at work and doing my job to the best of my ability. However, I still have pangs of guilt. And to some extent I feel like he views me differently, or truly doesn’t understand my rationale. I hope my decision is not held against me.

What about you?

From Piccadilly‘s 200 Writing Prompts