Reflections & Lifestyle

April 2023 Goals: Accountability Post

I can’t believe how fast April flew by!  I have been setting three goals each month since the New Year; I focused on physical health and then mental health and then I “made the most of” March. For April, I decided on the theme of “Finishing What I Started…,” because I felt like I was losing a bit of momentum and I was unable to fully accomplish my goals. To keep myself accountable I’m checking in monthly with you all. As a refresher, my goals were…

  1. Continue to work through the 113 yoga workouts on the NTC app.
  2. Switch to tea.
  3. Re-visit my sleep routine

How did I do?

In terms of goal #1, I managed to make it through 94 workouts and I am feeling fantastic. Originally, when I set the goal there were 109 workouts and then NTC added 5 more workouts. Technically, I am only doing 113 of 114 because one of them is a handstand prep sequence and I am not comfortable doing that. 19 workouts left!

In terms of goal #2, I set a goal in January about decreasing coffee so this was a throwback to that; although I accomplished that original goal by reducing consumption to one cup a day. But since my tea order arrived I have been starting my day with a cup of tea and to be honest I don’t miss coffee. My skin is looking better and I think the effects have carried over into improving my sleep.

In terms of goal #3, over the course of the month I researched and tried out some small tactics to prevent myself from feeling tired when I woke up. Which included: no reading on my ipad before bed, mint oil on temples, switched up the linens on the bed and my pillow, consistent bedtime and increased the darkness. I definitely think that it will take a bit of time to see the results from this and it will be an ongoing process.