Reflections & Lifestyle

Accountability Post: Mental Wellness Challenges

Instead of three small goals for the month of November; I participated in a bingo card style Mental Wellness Challenge –which had 20 tasks. I really enjoyed it; I liked the flexibility of having 20 tasks rather than 1 each day because if I got behind or life got in the way I wasn’t panicking to finish it. I did have to make some modifications to some of the tasks. This is how I did….

1Went to bed at 7:30 pm11Enjoyed WALKING AROUND in the sun in Banff
2Grateful for: feeling better, friends, a chance at TSwift tickets, got caught up, business season was successful, family, new books, got snow tires in time, no drama, having the best husband!12Unsubscribe from emails
3Walked up and down the driveway with the dog13CHECKED IN on 5 people
4Called my husband14Woke up 30 minutes earlier to REFLECT
5De-cluttered my desk at work15Planned a DINNER date with my bestie at El Corazon
6Took one day of social media16Went the entire day without complaining
7Set short terms goals to start journaling again, walking more, increase water intake and cut down on junk food 17Bought myself BOOTS WITH FLOWERS ON THEM
9Watched the sun set19Cleaned the bathroom; which I had been putting off for a long time
10Got rid of all the old pots & pans and living room lamp20MEDITATED; in order to be more present

How was your month?