Reflections & Lifestyle

2024: In and Out

I am jumping on the bandwagon and making lists for what is is IN this year and what is OUT this year…


-Moisturizing daily
-10,000 steps a day
-Drinking more water
-Getting out of my comfort zone
-Reading daily
-Duolingo daily
-Organizing my bedroom
-Finding new bingeworthy shows
-Dates with my husband


-Couch potatoing
-Mindless scrolling
-Wearing uncomfortable bras
-Financial irresponsibility

Reflections & Lifestyle

A Year in Review: 2023

January in Houston...

Fancy Bitches February…

March Break in Victoria…

Snow Goose Hunting in April…

Gardening in May…

Celebrating our 7th Wedding Anniversary in Style in June…

Lego Exhibit at The Muttart in July…

Afternoon Tea at the Hotel Macdonald in August….

The Importance of Being Earnest at The Citadel in September…

October’s Pumpkin Harvest with my favourite guy…

November in Banff…

The Grinch Life in December…

Writing Prompt Wednesdays

January 2024 Journal

If you had a child who had done something very wrong, such as stealing, how would you punish them?

Depending on the age of the child this prompt could have many answers. First, I would fight all my rage and approach the situation calmly. I would start by addressing the underlying reason for the “crime.” Then I would implement meaningful and prompt consequences: for example restitution and an apology to the “victim,” followed by a trip to the police station to talk about making good choices. Or I would connect with community resources available such as the  Schools Resource Officer (SRO). If the crime was severe enough and there were criminal charges I would not try to “bail them out.” I would want them to “face the music.” Perhaps, it is naive to have faith in the justice system, when clearly it is plagued with MANY problems. But the whole point of it is the rehabilitation of poor choices and attitude and reintegration. After facing the consequence or punishment the child would resume life again with the skills and attitude to function in society, daily life and the family without repeating the bad actions.

What about you?

Prompt from Piccadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts


New Year’s Eve: Outfit Recap

We didn’t have any “exciting plans,” its rare that we even make it till midnight. I spent the evening curled up on the couch binge watching my favourite show and munching on my favourite snacks. I even dressed for the occasion…

Lace Trim Cami with Crop Pant Sleepset from Ricki’s