Reflections & Lifestyle

October Accountability Post

I spent this month “Fighting Fatigue” with my three goals.

1. I lightened my load by reducing the number of posts I had to prepare and that definitely made a difference because I had a lot of extra responsibilities this month. I was able to do all of them, and do them well. I can’t wait to get back to posting three times a week; especially because I start a lot of my Christmas prep/planning in November.

2. I changed the supplements that I was taking by signing up for personalized vitamin packs. I felt so amazing for the first two weeks of the month and then I got really sick. I decided to stop taking them because I wasn’t sure if I was experiencing side effects from the vitamins or whether it was a nasty flu coupled with stress. I did maintain my multi-vitamin. I am going to resume the vitamins to see what other changes I need to make for next month. The vitamin packs included…

-Magnesium -Magnesium
-Vitamin D -Probiotic
-Vitamin B6 -L-Theanine

3. I took in some art therapy and lunch with a best friend. It was so nice to just take a break from everything. We viewed Second Skin, Boreal Barometer, Between Things (AB Ceramics), and A Link With Nature.

Writing Prompt Wednesdays

October Journal #4

If you could live to see any event in the future, what would that event be?

Wow, this is a tricky prompt for sure! There are quite a few future events I’d like to see -for no other significant reason than it would simply be “neat,” or humbling…

  1. Canada’s 1000th birthday
  2. Humans being able to travel to and live on Pluto
  3. The day in which all countries agree to live in peace and cooperate fully in all respects
    *I may need to live forever for that one to happen. At this rate I think my second item is more likely!
  4. The day in which cancer is officially eradicated
  5. Haley’s Comet
    *fingers crossed for 2061!
  6. The reunification of the continents again; neo-panacea

    I think ultimately I’d just like to live forever and see it all. To literally know what happens for the rest of history.

    Prompt from Piccadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts

    What about you?
Current Addictions

Current Addictions: October 2023


the fact or condition of being dependent or “hooked” to a particular substance, thing or activity.

Music: Warren Zeiders (Spotify)
TV Show: Hell’s Kitchen (Fox)
Book: Marion Lane and the Raven’s Revenge (T.A. Willberg)
Food: Hot Buffalo Wing Pretzels (Snyder’s of Hanover)
Drink: Soulboost (PepsiCo)
Clothing: Tommy Hilfiger Woman’s Sherpa Lined Parka
Cosmetic: Take the Espresso nail polish (Essie)
Accessory: All Night Festival Bag 2L (Lululemon)

Writing Prompt Wednesdays

October Journal #3

Which is stronger: love or hate?

They have equal strength in my opinion, however, I believe that love always wins. Love can accomplish the most incredible things. Hate can cause and equal amount of destruction. People throughout history have been celebrated for their love — all the help and goodness they put out into the world. People have been vilified (rightly so) for their hate — all the pain they have inflicted on the world. It begs the question of whether these two can exist without the other. So far it appears not. These concepts equate to “good and evil;” two halves of the same coin. One is what we should feel, give, and be. The other is what we should not feel, give and be. So I guess, since I believe love and goodness always wins, I guess by default it is stronger…

Prompt from Piccadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts

What do you think?


Halloween How To: Guess Who

Every year at work we do a whole staff costume. This year we decided to switch it up and divide into groups of 3 or 4 and then compete against each other. Some of us are VERY competitive –so it should be interesting. Our group decided on GUESS WHO characters. We has Claire, Maria & Robert!

  1. Cut the center out of a heavy weight poster board; to make the “frame”

2. Use a projector to trace the “Guess Who” logo at the top with blue and red markers AND the names on the bottom

3. If your character is female; buy a red shirt and if your character is male; buy a buy shirt.

4. Use a Cricut to apply a large white question mark to the front of each

5. Source character features from places like Amazon and Dollarama

-I got a knit hat (Amazon) and used a glue gun to apply ribbon and flowers (Dollarama)…

My other “Claire Essentials” include:
-Red lipstick
-Pearl earrings
-Cat eye glasses
-Red curly wig

Writing Prompt Wednesdays

October Journal #2

What are some of the hard facts about life?

  1. It isn’t fair!
  2. You have to learn that you are enough -if not, life will hurt. BIG TIME!
  3. Never feel bad about saying NO! You will hear “no” a lot in life and it’s okay.
  4. The jury is still out on whether or not there is magic.
  5. You are not given more than you can handle -never believe that you can’t do something. It is a test and the answer is always: Dig deep, keep going and prove them all wrong!
  6. If you are not open, you will miss out on A LOT!
  7. Love comes in many shapes and sizes; life is not a fairy tale so your happy ending is not “cookie cutter,” so STOP looking for it.
  8. The pursuit of money will sour you!

    Prompt from: Piccadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts

    What do you think?
Food & Drink

Best Brownie Recipe

close up photo of stacked brownies on chopping board
Photo by Marta Dzedyshko on


2 eggs
1 cup sugar
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp vanilla
1/2 cup butter (melted)


  1. Beat the eggs, sugar, salt and vanilla together for 1 minute
  2. Add butter; mix
  3. Add flour, cocoa; mix until well combined
  4. Pour batter into a microwave safe dish
  5. Microwave on high for 5 minutes

    TIP: Use a coffee flavoured frosting for the ultimate sweet treat!
Writing Prompt Wednesdays

October Journal #1

What is the best pick up line you know?

I have never used a pick up line on a guy before. Believe it or not but I have never really been “hit on” or “picked up” like they depict it in movies; you know the scene –a guy walks up to a girl in a bar with a canned line. “Hey, how’s it going?” is pretty much what I have heard. And since I have been married for seven years (together for 11) obviously that line worked! When I was doing the online dating thing they did have some canned conversation starters that you could send to your matches. Those were pretty tame; nothing cheesy. When I hear the phrase: “pick up line.” I think of tidbits like this…

Guy: Did it hurt?
Girl: Did what hurt?
Guy: When you fell from heaven

Prompt from: Piccadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts

What about you?

Reflections & Lifestyle

Fighting Fatigue: Fall Goals

One month into the school year while maintaining a growing business and balancing all the other important people, relationships, responsibilities and things in my life has worn me down. I need to make some changes to preserve my mental health.

  1. Lightening my load…

    -To reduce some pressure; for the month of October I am modifying my posting schedule. Instead of regularly posting on Monday, Wednesday & Fridays. I am decreasing my posts to TWO days a week: Monday and Friday. It’s going to be a little weird since I love writing posts and sharing with you all. Monday’s posts will be a mixture of recipes, current addictions and outfits. Friday’s posts will consist of sharing my journal entries with you. Friday is the new Wednesday basically.
  2. Supplements…

    -I have relied on caffeine for energy and to make up for the lack of sleep I have been getting. Although I take a generic multivitamin; my body needs a bit more assistance (and more water). Since I am almost out of my multivitamin I am going to replace them with a personalized regime. I took the VTMN Packs Health Assessment. I was a little shocked at the cost at first but I figured I would give it shot for October; and if I were to buy them myself from the store it really isn’t that big of a difference.
  3. Art Therapy (so to speak)…

    -A much needed trip to the AGA is on my calendar for this month. It’s an appointment I really hope to keep.