Health & Beauty Reflections & Lifestyle

Daylight Savings Time: Coping With It

white bedspread beside nightstand with white and copper table lamp
Photo by Burst on

The clocks are changing March 13. In October 2021, we got to vote on a referendum question concerning Daylight Savings Time; however, nothing has been acted on with regard to it –so we continue to fall back and spring forward, even though this messes with our circadian rhythm.

If you are like me and find the transition in the spring more difficult than the one in the fall; here are some helpful tips.

1. Ease into it…
-Start the transition 10-15 minutes earlier (6-4 days) leading up to DLS
-Start DLS on Saturday instead of Sunday; this gives you a full day to live in your new reality

2. Consistency is key…
-I was able to figure out my optimum sleep window by tracking my sleep schedule and level of restedness on the Weight Watchers I app. I go to bed at the same time and wake up at the same time every day –EVEN ON WEEKENDS! Obviously, things come up but I adhere pretty strictly to it.

3. On the dreaded DLS Sunday…
-And this may be a tough pill to swallow…wake up at your set time (RESTED OR NOT) and don’t nap (unless that is part of your pre-existing routine)

4. It’s all about the lighting…
-Natural over artificial because sunlight helps to reset our internal clocks. Enjoy the beauty of the sun; inside your home and outside!

5. Exercising…
-Try to exercise outside if possible. You don’t have to go hard core, simply taking a walk in the evening after dinner is super beneficial not only for digestion but also your sleep schedule. 

6. Disconnect…
-Put your phones, computers, tablets away! It is highly recommended that you be free of screens for at least 2 hours prior to bed. If you like to watch TV before bed or even in bed; DON’T! It is highly recommended that you turn off the TV at least an hour before bed.

Food & Drink Reflections & Lifestyle

Weight Watchers Journey & Top Recipes

A friend of mine said that she was feeling, “rather fluffy” lately. She had tried a few weight loss programs and apps with little to no success. She had gotten an ad for Weight Watchers. We all know that when you have a support system / when you have a buddy doing a program, a course or whatever it may be, with you; everyone is more successful. So I signed up too! We have been doing it for about a month.

I have a long history with dieting and unhealthy eating habits and disordered eating. I have tried a million different things to lose weight or keep it down. But I must say I really like this program/app and I have made some much more positive food and health choices since using it. I haven’t weighed myself because I tend to fixate on the numbers and then develop some bad habits.

Why do I like WW?

-I like being rewarded for eating extra vegetables, drinking water, eating breakfast each day, exercise, etc
-Being points based rather than calorie based I am eating quality food rather than empty calories
-I like that it isn’t too restrictive; the zero points for favourites and fruits and veggies means that I can eat when I am hungry instead of starving myself. It really encourages smart food choices
-There are so many yummy recipes, pre-logged foods on the site I am not at a loss for food to eat
-My sleep pattern has gotten so much better since I have tracked it
-I drink at least 1750 mls of water a day; prior to starting WW I couldn’t remember the last time I had had water because I was drinking so much pop, juice and coffee
-Since I only have 23 points per day; I am really focused on not drinking my points so I basically don’t drink anymore
-You can also buy snack foods, equipment and other items to support your journey through the app
-Since WW is an established program there is so much support, tips, inspiration, recipes, out there online
Overall, this app has changed my mindset towards food; whether or not I drop weight, I feel better because I am treating my body much better.

I have found a TON of recipes that I absolutely love and I wanted to share them with you. If you are thinking about joining this is what you could be eating guilt free!

Everything Bagels (made with the 2 Ingredient Dough)
Avocado Toast
Blueberry Almond Oatmeal
No Sugar Added Blueberry Muffin

Fudgy Chocolate Cookies

Tuscan Sausage & Bean Stew
Olive Garden Salad
Marinated Cucumber & Melon Salad
Quinoa Salad with Corn & Peppers
Greek Chicken Bowl

Italian Sheet Pan Chicken
Hawaiian Sheet Pan Chicken
Chicken Sausage & Mushroom Pasta
Garlic Thyme Chicken with Cauliflower
One Pot Pasta with Cauliflower, Potatoes & Olives

Writing Prompt Wednesdays

Writing Prompt Wednesday

I was gifted an awesome journal for Christmas last year; Picadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts. I am still working my way through it! I wanted to share my most recent entry with you…

What about you?