Food & Drink

Ratatouille Recipe

My garden exploded! I over planted this year because last year our garden drowned (multiple times) and very little grew; this year though… EVERYTHING grew. I pickled, I gave away lots of produce to family and friends, I blanched and froze my harvests, I made all sorts of freezer foods and of course I ate as much fresh vegetables as I could each day.

One fantastic recipe I keep going back to each fall is Ratatouille.

1 medium eggplant
2 medium zucchini
2 medium squash
3 carrots
1 medium onion (white or yellow)
1 large Hungarian wax pepper
4 medium tomatoes

4 Tbsp olive oil

2 cloves garlic
4 tsp Italian seasoning
1 bayleaf


1. Dice the eggplant and sauté it in a large pot with 1 Tbsp of olive oil and a sprinkle of salt and pepper; when tender transfer to a large casserole dish.
2. Dice the zucchini and squash and sauté it in the pot with 1 Tbsp of olive oil and a sprinkle of salt and pepper; when tender transfer to the casserole dish.
3. Dice the carrots and onion and sauté it in the pot with 1 Tbsp of olive oil and a sprinkle of salt and pepper. (Keep in the pot!)
4. Mince the garlic and add it, the Italian season and bayleaf to the pot; then cook for approximately one minute.
5. Dice the tomatoes and wax pepper; add to the pot.
6. Add the eggplant, zucchini and squash to the pot.
7. Simmer for 30 minutes; stirring occasionally.

*Remember to remove the bayleaf prior to serving.
*Some people like to drizzle with additional olive oil and garnish with fresh basil when serving.

Reflections & Lifestyle

International Day of Charity

September 5th is the International Day of Charity. This day was established by the United Nations in honor of Mother Teresa. It was established to raise awareness and encourage people to become active global citizens by helping others; whether this manifests itself in the form of donating supplies, money, skills or time. As the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have said, “we can all live a life of service. Service is universal.” Any contribution great or smaller is one step closer to a brighter future. 

Sometimes it can be difficult to know who to donate to/support. A fantastic resource to help research the best rated charities is Charity Watch. This site assigns a grade to each charity, specifies the amount that is spent on programs relative to overhead and the amount spent to raise money (increment of $100).

A helpful source for Canadian specific charities is: Charity Intelligence Canada. This site also assigns a grade to each charity, outlines financial transparency, demonstrated impact, the need for funding and the cents that go to the cause. I used this site to choose the organizations I wanted to highlight.

This year, I am choosing to donate to five charities; ideally I would also like to volunteer my time; however, with remaining pandemic restrictions and still recovering from my accident that isn’t possible. 

1. War Child Canada
2. Canadian Foodgrains Bank
3. Aunt Leah’s Place
4. First Book Canada
5. Indian Residential School Society

How do you plan on celebrating today?

Writing Prompt Wednesdays

Writing Prompt Wednesday

I was gifted this awesome journal for Christmas this year; Picadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts. I thought it would be fun to spend a few moments each Wednesday working through this journal and then sharing them with you.

What about you?