Health & Beauty

Being Productive: Study Tips

Being effective is all about achieving what you want. Walk the aisles of any Chapters, you can see shelf after shelf devoted to self-help books. These books promise you the tricks to be the most productive, the most effective, the most “this”, the most “that.”’ It’s overwhelming when all you want is a simple answer to a simple question… How do I get it all done? Or, how do I achieve what I want?

In the classroom setting; I am often asked: How do I get the best grade possible? Ultimately, they are asking: How do I study effectively? I figured I would share with you the strategies I use when I study for tests.

1. Prioritize your study time
–You know you need to do it; so pencil it into your schedule. Make a standing appointment with yourself to review your materials. Be consistent, with the time you block off: every MWF from 4-5, for example.

2. Get organized
–Be organized ALL the time. Don’t just organize your binder or notes right before a big assessment. Being organized also extends to your study space. You need a clean, comfortable area with minimal distractions complete with all the materials you will need: books, paper, pens, highlighters, cue cards, etc.

3. Graphics
–It isn’t enough to simply memorize information, you have to know it, understand it and apply it. Take the information and break it down into pieces. Look at how it all fits together/works. Using graphic organizers helps us see similarities and differences as well. Tag concepts to images. It is easy to manipulate graphic organizers as well rather than large chunks of text from a book. 

4. Practice
–Use old exams, make flash cards, spend time explaining concepts to other people, have other people quiz you. You should be engaged and active in the studying process rather than passive; otherwise the transfer of knowledge from short term to long term just isn’t as strong. Study groups are a great tool; however you have to know yourself…for me I am pretty solitary creature so a VERY small study group works best for me.

5. Look After Yourself
–Eat good food; binging on sugary crap during the study period weighs you down. If you or your body feel gross…your brain probably does too. Put the right fuel in your body to improve performance. Drink lots of water as well.

Health & Beauty

Preventing Burnout

Do you ever feel like you are burning the candle at both ends??? You are not alone. When I feel like I am reaching the point of crashing and burning I have to step back, take a breath and look after myself. 

As proactive as I try to be; sometimes I just can’t avoid burning out or coming dangerously close to it. The things that help set me back on track include the following…

1. Reaching out to a friend/family
–I find there is a direct correlation to my level of burnout and the long distance charges on my phone bill. The more exhausted and stressed out I become the more frequently and the the longer I talk to my bestie. Even when we are both at that point we are able to commiserate with each other and provide some much needed advice and reassurance.

2. Exercise
–As much as I really do loathe exercising I know that I feel better and I sleep better afterwards. I don’t mean a full hour long strenuous workout; even ten minutes is enough to get those endorphins flowing and I feel more positive. I feel like I can tackle whatever obstacle I am up against. 

3. Sleep/Nap/Rest
–As tempting as it is to stay up all night and mark or write or work I have to consciously tell myself to GO TO SLEEP. I don’t know how I expect myself to be productive or get anything done when I am tired and dragging my butt.

4. Ditch the junk
–Less time with food prep = more time to get other things accomplished; is the mindset I get into when I am reaching the point of burning out. Which means I have to make the the effort to eat healthily when all I really want to do is eat convenience food. 

5. Sun/Go outside
–Sometimes the long winters (and therefore winter blues) exacerbate my trajectory toward burnout; but getting out in the yard for a bit with my dog helps me out immensely. We all know the benefits of vitamin D in our lives one of which includes improved brain function

Reflections & Lifestyle

Challenging Stereotypes

My best friend and I lightheartedly refer to each other as “Country Babe” and “City Babe.” I grew up in Vancouver and traded the city for country life in rural Alberta. She grew up in a very small town but relocated to the big city of Calgary. We both have traits that are a little country and little city.

There are a few stereotypes that go along with these identities of “Country Babe” and “City Babe,” however, we don’t always fit the mould.

Outdoors & Hobbies: Typically it is thought that country babes in general live for camping, fishing, quading, mudding and hunting. And while I love all of the above (except for mudding) I also enjoy going to the theatre to see musicals and ballet. I am also a HUGE Cirque du Soleil fan. Trips to the Art Gallery and museums are also on my to do list.

Lifestyle: Typically it is thought that country babes in general are sassy, “work hard & play hard” and love animals. True to fashion; this does describe me, however, my love of animals are limited to cats and dogs…Having never experienced farm life, I have NEVER ridden a horse, milked a cow or tended chickens.

Music: Typically it is thought that country babes in general rock out to the likes of Carrie Underwood, Reba MacIntire, Luke Bryan, Garth Brooks and many other talented country music artists. While I do appreciate this genre of music I also have 90s pop, rock and metal radio stations on my presets list.

Clothes: Typically it is thought that country babes in general don the following articles of clothing… cowgirl boots, jeans, flannel shirts, big belt buckles and camouflage. True to fashion; I do own A LOT of camo used for both hunting and for occasional day-wear BUT I spend most of my time in formal clothes for work. I enjoy getting all “gussied up” in “fancy clothes” to have a night on the town at a hot new restaurant in city with bestie. Also, this country babe doesn’t own boots and a big belt buckle.

Attraction: Typically it is thought that country babes in general fall for men who have strong family values, are fit, often have a farmer’s tan and drive a truck. Even though Mr. Country Babe does tick these boxes there are so many more wonderful qualities he possesses; and the previously mentioned traits were not the only reasons I fell in love with him in the first place.

Vehicles: Typically it is thought that country babes in general drive lifted vehicles like a truck with big tires. But, I have a plain jane SUV that is automatic…I can’t even drive a stick. And, I have only driven a truck a handful of times.

Nightlife: Typically it is thought that country babes in general like to party it up and chug beers and dance the night away. While I do enjoy sitting around the fire with friends having a few drinks (not limited to beer) I am not attending  (nor have ever attended) country dances in barns. Secret: I doesn’t even know how to two-step! However, I did enjoy square dancing lessons in high school gym class.


Baby Shower Gifts

I don’t know about you but so many of my friends and coworkers have announced they are expecting; which is so wonderful but also kind of funny… *insert quarantine baby joke here*

Currently, I have four nieces and two nephews, so I know a few things about hosting and shopping for baby showers.

Most expectant moms (and couples) register for gifts however, you can’t always bank on that…so to help you out, we put together a list of items that will be happily received and won’t break the bank.

Qalo Teething Necklace
Halo Sleep Sack
WubbaNub Infant Pacifier
Hatch Baby Rest Sound Machine
New Baby Journal
Earth Mama Recovery Essentials
Bugaboo Smartphone Holder for stroller
Zoli Buzz B Gentle Nail Trimmer
ErgoBaby 360 All Positions Baby Carrier

Food & Drink

Always In My Fridge/Freezer

Over the years I’ve honed in on my staple ingredients; those necessary to the majority of my recipes, those that my husband and I love and those that cut down on frequent trips to the grocery store when we veer off plan.

1. Milk
Why: Got Milk?!? Yes, indeed!

2. Cheese
Why: The end all and be all of the toppings. Ooey gooey cheese! Yum! The uses are endless and cheese on sandwiches are a must!

3. Eggs
Why: My husband makes killer omelettes for me and I go through a lot of eggs when I get on a baking spree; plus occasionally I have a hankering for deviled eggs!

4. Bell Peppers
Why: Stuffed peppers are frequently made in our house, added to salads, put in soups and gobbled up with hummus, tzatziki and tuna.

5. Berries
Why: Fruit salads, baking, added to plain yogurt, berries are a healthy snack rich in antioxidants.

6. Salad Dressings
Why: I use my Kraft Kitchen’s Dinner On Hand cookbook A LOT and many of the dishes use a variety of Kraft dressings (Italian, Catalina, Ranch, etc); so that is why this has become a staple fridge item for me.

7. Chicken
Why: The only meat we don’t harvest; I love chicken; so I buy it in bulk from Costco; drumsticks, breasts and thighs.

8. Wild Game Meat
Why: We harvest most of our own meat and have it ground, made into pepperoni and/or sausage. We substitute it for beef all the time.

9. Garden Veggies
Why: Home grown, blanched and frozen for use throughout the year. This includes: green beans for casseroles and soups. Peas for side dishes. Zucchini for muffins, loaves  and crustless pie.

 10. Bread
Why: This way we always have it on hand. Since I don’t go through it fast enough when I am on my own; freezing it has cut down on food waste.

Reflections & Lifestyle

Online Dating

Dating is tough, online dating adds a whole other dimension! This month marks EIGHT years since I met my husband through eharmony. I offer you some personally tried and tested tips to help you navigate your way online to a successful relationship.

Since I have re-watched every Iliza Schlesinger special on Netflix during this pandemic, I can’t help but quote her Elder Millennial special: “you gotta kiss a lot of frogs to…” get your happily ever after (ultimately).

Several of my friends have also turned to online dating and I have realized that it is super common for our generation. It is definitely an interesting journey but along the way we learned some very valuable lessons. Sorry, this is a LONG post; but it took me two years to find my prince!

1. The Right Mindset
Perhaps the most important is make sure you do what is comfortable for you! This means having a clear idea of what you want, what is important to you and what you expect from the other person, if you know, you are less likely to put yourself in a position or select a match that makes you unhappy. This also helps you focus on compatibility beyond physical attraction. Never operate from a place of uncertainty, never operate from a place of fear (fear of an activity or fear of being single for the rest of your life). Yes, it is important to be open-minded, flexible and try new things; without being super judgemental, however everyone (both you and your date) have non-negotiables/boundaries If you expect the other person to honour yours then you have to honour theirs as well. 

2. Finding The Right Site/App
Make sure you find a reputable dating site; there are some meant for people at certain stages of their lives, some that are faith based, some that are focused on helping you find a hook-up and some that are focused on helping you find a relationship. Your chances of getting what you want increase when you are on the site that matches your end game or situation. Don’t pick one because of the price tag/sale/promotion; invest in yourself

3. Setting Up Your Profile
Now that you have the mindset and set up an account on a site it is time to create your profile. What to do? What not to do? Those are the questions…

Post current photos of yourself...Trust me, it is natural to want to post some older photos where you may look better. But your potential suitor is not dating who you were (physically or emotionally) 5 years ago; they are dating the current you…Don’t deceive them or yourself. It goes both ways. Also, post what I call “action shots,” these are photos of you doing what you love to do…in these photos you also look happy…and that is attractive and provides back-up to what you outline in your profile. It also helps get the conversation started!

Create a profile of substance…I’d be lying if I said that photos weren’t the number one reason why people get drawn to a profile but ultimately it is. But it is the content you put in the profile that makes them ‘stay,’ ‘consider you,’ ‘send you a message,’ etc. Which means the information you include must be truthful. Say what you mean and mean what you say (applicable not only to profile creation but also when conversing with your matches)

4. Navigate The Site/Your Matches
Be active; don’t wait for them to come to you…if you see someone you like then go for it; send a message. They are probably just as nervous as you. This whole, ‘wait to be discovered or chosen’ is total crap. You are responsible for making yourself happy! 

I will admit that it is easy to swipe ‘No’ (I believe we are judgmental by nature). The perfect match is not truly ‘perfect’ no one is perfect; hopefully prior to registering on your dating site of choice you have debunked the myth of perfection. There are those who are obviously wrong for you and those can be easily weeded out. BUT don’t be afraid of the only 75% compatible rating; start a conversation first…just because you talk to them doesn’t mean you have to actually date them!!!!!!!!!! You owe them nothing. These sorts of matches/compatibility levels can give you a chance to refocus what you want it is also good for the practice of being open-minded. Dating sites use algorithms devoid of human emotion; there are things that you can assess that the site can’t. You never know that 75% on paper may actually be closer to your ideal than a 99% but of course don’t to try and make them someone they are not just to make it work.

Personally, I was utterly disheartened when match after match didn’t work out. The messages that went unanswered or the conversations that fizzled or the dates that didn’t pan out really got to me. There were definitely times where I thought that there was something wrong with me or that I would be single for the rest of my life; basically I felt like I was incompatible with every guy…unmatchable. Yes, I realize that was a total spiral; hopefully a little comic relief in a fairly serious blog post. My point is: DON’T BE DISCOURAGED! You won’t find him or her the first may be on the site for a while (reconcile yourself with that fact). Anyone who is worth your time and affection is worth waiting for

5. Interacting/“Conversing”
Communicating online is tough! We all need to have a bit of patience. Give your match a chance to get the conversation going…the number of “Hi, how are you?” messages you will get can seem tedious but in person, you’d start the convo the same way. Not everyone is their naturally witty or engaging self over DM.  They are not going to open with: “Tell me everything about yourself!” “Let’s date,”  or “Will you marry me?” Be realistic!

Okay, so you took my advice about being active during your search; be active during the conversation. Never be afraid to ask questions. Conversations are two way streets; they will ask you stuff if you ask them stuff! I know that is revolutionary advice but for some reason we seem to forget this. It is important to give them something to talk to you about (which you have also done by including substance in your profile). For some weird reason, some women feel the need to be shy or coy as a way to be a demure damsel *insert eyeroll here* Those one word answers and being overly shy or coy can be read as not interested.

Take a look at your text messages; what do you see? EMOTICONS…use these sparingly…especially with those you are just getting to know. However, they can be helpful especially because we ALL suffer from the inability to ascertain tone during online communication BUT….double edged sword… they can be irritating if overly relied on.

Ever dated someone who was a “negative nelly”? I guess my question should really be: ever dumped someone who was overly negative? Well, as self explanatory as this may seem, use positive language as much as possible. Being overly negative is one way to ensure that the conversation wanes.

Yes, it is okay to be flirty but your opener should have more to it than “You are cute *winky face*  Remember to talk about both the superficial and deeper stuff. And while it is okay to be flirty it isn’t okay to talk about your ex too much…we all know why…

Now, that you have become comfortable with the dating site and messaging with your match, don’t spend all your time talking online. It is important to ACTUALLY meet and talk in person. You have to shelve your fear of rejection (as sucky as it is to be rejected after a date) you do have to put yourself out there…put your heart on the line a bit.

Okay, so maybe I lied earlier in the post… THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT piece of advice I can give you! Meet in a public place, have an arrangement with a friend and check in with them. 


What am I currently RE-Reading???

I have always been a mystery novel nut and I find it really hard to find books that spark the same bookworm fire in me as my beloved Agatha Christie collection. I spent most of the summer though reading the Teacher Misery series by Jane Morris and lots of young adult fiction because I am an English teacher after all.

The Kinsey Millhone series by the late, great Sue Grafton filled the void in my life when I told my husband, “I literally have NO MORE books left to read.” I am starting to re-read them in the evenings before bed.

So far I have re-devoured…

A is for Ailibi
B is for Burglar
C is for Corpse
D is for Deadbeat
E is for Evidence
F is for Fugitive
G is for Gumshoe
H is for Homicide

And now currently…

I is for Innocent
In this novel we find PI Kinsey Millhone investigating the five year old murder of Isabelle Barney upon the request of her ex-husband, Ken Voight who seeks to prove that Isabelle’s widower did in fact kill her for her fortune. Kinsey is perplexed at the request as the widower (Mr. Barney) was acquitted by a court of law and his testimony still checks out; however suddenly the witnesses have changed their stories and more and more enemies of Isabelle are popping up, including her own twin sister. Kinsey has to find out who the real murderer is and avoid danger herself.

Remaining novels include…

J is for Judgement
K is for Killer
L is for Lawless
M is for Malice
N is for Noose
O is for Outlaw
P is for Peril
Q is for Quarry
R is for Ricochet
S is for Silence
T is for Trespass
U is for Undertow
V is for Vengeance
W is for Wasted
Y  is for Yesterday

*You can check out my Instagram stories for book recommendations for best mystery series overall and book recommendations for young adult fiction that I read this summer!

Design & Decor

Design Challenge: Home Office Edition

I spend evenings and weekends marking on the couch and I worked from home during the pandemic. My husband is the one who mainly uses our home office to run our waterfowling business. Our home office also doubles as a fourth guest room. After teaching junior and senior high school from the kitchen table, I spent a lot of time in the summer surfing the web about home office decor because I realized we really needed to revamp the home office so we both could use it and enjoy it.

According to Real Simple, “[A] home office is a place that should inspire the flow of creativity and allow you to get down to business. [However,] home offices can be the most neglected spaces in our homes—messy and [un-inspirational] environments driving us to work anywhere but in the actual office,” (2018).

Based on their 10 suggestions from noted designers and bloggers I decided to transform our home office. Check out how we did it!

*I really wanted to remove the guest room function from our home office because the half and half nature of the room isn’t ideal for the flow of creativity. BUT since it is a shared space, I had to incorporate his preference into the re-design. He pointed out that we have a lot of family and we really do need the space.

1. Think Chic
Accomplished by updating the outdated ceiling light from the 1980’s with the Mercer41 Waymire 3-Light Semi Flush Mount. It features a “chic delicate frame with gorgeous repeating patterns to add a refined touch to the overhead look.” (From: Wayfair)

2. Add Green
Plants have a calming effect, which means they are a necessity in any office to breath life into the space. Bouclair Home has some incredible greenery and florals that are reasonably priced. I selected three in various vessels to add variety to my home office. A eucalyptus in a stone planter, an agave in a gold pot and an apple succulent in a black pot. (From: Bouclair)

3. Get Artsy
We often go shed hunting and have been amassing quite a pile; I thought it would be neat to make something out of antlers to decorate the office. I thought about making three floral mounts hung in a triangle on the wall above the filing cabinet (opposite a gallery wall) would be a nice touch. This inspiration comes from: Ever After In The Wood Blog.

4. Find the Rug
Personally, I am not a fan of hardwood or laminate in a bedroom; I like the feel of carpeting when I step out of bed; since the office doubles as a guest bedroom I picked a soft rug from the Stevens Omni Luminato collection to put the bed on and to add some pop and excitement to the room.

5. Practice Hygge
I had no idea what hygge was and I learned that it refers to: a quality of coziness and comfortable conviviality that engenders a feeling of contentment or well-being (regarded as a defining characteristic of Danish culture). I was able to incorporate this into the office with the bedding using the Andanza taupe bedding set. (From: Hygge & West)

6. Hang A Gallery Wall
Our guest bed runs along the wall; there is a lot of boring empty space so this Grönby picture (blue landscape) set of 9 is a perfect solution. (From: Ikea)

7. Mix Old & New
Filing cabinets are really ugly so I wanted a piece that would of course keep us organized, maximize space by extending our work surface for a printer, and extra office supplies that didn’t fit on the desk, etc.; but also that looked a little bit more like a dresser. There is a closet for guests to store their items.This Shelby 2-drawer lateral filing cabinets fits in with our overall rustic home because the manufactured wood features a weathered finish and beadboard accents on the doors. It looks old but really is new. (From Wayfair)

8. Let Light In
This was easily accomplished because there is a big window at the far end with wooden blinds that match our laminate flooring. And by keeping the wall colours on the lighter side.

9. Work In Colour
I fell in love with this desk chair when I was perusing a new desk. It is a Three Posts Eckard Task Chair; it looks super comfy which is essential for any desk chair. (From: Wayfair)

10. Optimize Space
This home office/guest room isn’t conducive to larger pieces of furniture so I updated our flimsy corner desk with this compact yet fairly spacious Sardis desk. It features a drop-front keyboard drawer and two open lower shelves for more storage. (From: Wayfair)

Food & Drink

Sweet Potato Pie

American journalist, Regina Brett remarked once that, “[i]f baking is any labour at all, it is a labour of love. A love that gets passed from generation to generation.” I couldn’t agree more. I have the fondest memories baking both sweet and savoury delights with (and for) my family. With Thanksgiving here in Canada, I thought that I should share a delicious pie recipe with you. At our house we have swapped the classic and traditional pumpkin pie with sweet potato pie. The first time I made it, it was a HIT! I hope it is a hit with your families as well.

1 pound sweet potatoes
1/2 cup butter 
1 cup granulated sugar
1/2 cup milk
2 eggs
1/2 tsp nutmeg
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp vanilla extract

1 pie shell (9 inch)
*If you want you can use a Tenderflake frozen pie shell or use your own handmade one. This recipe turns out well using either one.

Optional: whipped cream and pecans


1. Poke whole sweet potatoes with fork, then boil in water for 45 minutes (or until done). 
2. Run cooked sweet potatoes under cold water and remove the skins.
3. Mash sweet potatoes in a bowl.
4. Add butter and mix well using an electric mixer.
5. Stir in remaining ingredients, beat until smooth.
6. Pour the filling into an unbaked pie crust.
7. Bake at 350F for 55 minutes (or until toothpick comes out clean)

*When serving; garnish with whipped cream and pecans for a little bit extra flair and texture.

Reflections & Lifestyle

Childhood Memories: Appreciation Post

Childhood has a profound effect on adulthood; I had the incredible good fortune of having a very happy childhood, something I realize not everyone has the luxury of enjoying. This blog post is not meant to brag rather it is meant to give you a glimpse into my life as well as express my gratitude. It also stems from the fact that I recently spent time at my childhood home…. and of course the photo albums came out therefore stirring up very fond memories.

For me, any moment with my dad is a treasured memory. I am not sure if I can limit myself and chose only one or even do it justice so I selected something else.

Although, I don’t quite remember meeting my cousin for the very first time because I was so young; but the number of photos I have of us together when he is only a few months old abound. Overall, it is difficult to find a photo without him in it.

I am an only child so perhaps this is why being with my cousin literally from the get-go is such an important time of my life. I never got the opportunity to be an actual ‘big sister,’ I never got to experience that excitement of mom and dad bringing home a new baby. However, I did feel that “big sister” responsibility and I was very protective over him.

We lived across the back lane from each other most of our lives and were babysat by our grandmother and each other’s mothers meant we were inseparable growing up. He really is like a brother to me. From sitting together in my dad’s recliner chair, opening Easter baskets on the living room floor, to running across the yard kicking a beachball and sitting on the swingset, to playing with our freshly unwrapped Christmas present on Christmas Eve, wearing matching outfits, always being invited to each other’s birthday parties, and  getting into trouble (usually because we were ganging up on his younger brother)….it was a wonderful time.

It is because of our childhood that we are still close today; I still feel like he is my brother rather than my cousin and I am so incredibly lucky to have him in my life.