Food & Drink

French Onion Meatballs

We only planted potatoes and onions this year and we got quite the crop so I am looking at integrating those into most of our meals. I saw this type of meal at Costco in the form of one of their ready-made section. So, I did some Googling and came across this recipe; we tried it and loved it.

French Onion Meatballs

Writing Prompt Wednesdays

October Journal #2

What does spring look like in your neighborhood?

Melted snow
Reveals the dead brown grass below
The in between stage
Finally earth starting to show

Temperatures unpredictable
More sunlight; moods more stable
Inching closer to gardening season
Takes so long; seems a fable

It is so very short; blink and you’ll miss it
Soon summer will come — pure bless
Oops! a spot of spontaneous winter
Then back to spring, how confusing is this!

Rest, Easter having fun
Kids will ask when school will be done
Fleeting quick
Then it is done

What about you? Comment below!

Prompt from: Piccadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts

Baby Life Reflections & Lifestyle

Product Review: Baby Brezza

When I first heard about this product I wanted one. I thought to myself: wow, this is gonna make my life easier. After unpacking it and reading the instructions I was immediately feeling regret —to the tune of $229. 

Not only does the manual not include the feeding chart, but the extra parts and the frequency in which they must be washed put me off.

As instructed I went to the website to find the chart; it was NOT readily available and I had to hunt it down. It’s a little scary to trust it because improperly made formula can make babies quite sick. 

There are 6 pieces that needed to be washed before starting and the funnel components must be washed after being used four times. I already spend an inordinate amount of time washing and sterilizing things —why am I taking on more?

This was definitely the case of being conned into thinking technology was better than simply pouring distilled water into a bottle and adding a scoopful of powdered formula into a bottle. We only serve our baby room temperature formula so why do I need a machine that can make room temperature formula as one of the settings.

The product is supposed to produce less bubbles in the mixing process but that isn’t enough to sway me. 

The adage of “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it” applies. Make the bottles yourself and if you want warmed formula you can easily pop it into a more reasonably priced bottle warmer. 

Also interesting to note I posted the machine on Marketplace and I have had zero interest… hmmm….

Writing Prompt Wednesdays

October Journal #1

You have been given $100 on the condition that you must spend it all on yourself. What will you do with your money?


I would 100% buy a ton of books. Considering that the books I typically read (both paper or iBooks) are about $14-$18. I would actually end up with 5-7 books so perhaps “a ton” is a bit hyperbolic. Right now I’m devouring mystery book after mystery book; you can check out what I read at the end of each month in the archive section. It’s not surprising my go to books are mysteries since my favorite author is Agatha Christie. I read all of her novels, plays, stories but I’ve been able to find a few authors that can hold a candle to her. My too be read list is huge; just currently waiting for various release dates!

What about you? Comment below!

Prompt from: Piccadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts


September Book Club

I have been enjoying baby cuddles and reading while on my Maternity Leave.

  1. The Windsor Knot (Book 1) by S.J. Bennett

    The Queen becomes concerned over the death of a piano player after one of her “dine and sleeps;” some fail to see the importance, some chock it up to an act of espionage on the part of the Russians. Her Majesty and her Assistant Private Secretary, Captain Rozie Oshodi have to solve the case to bring justice to the young man and prevent the Royal household from falling apart.
  2. All the Queen’s Men (Book 2) by S.J. Bennett

    The death of an unliked member of her Majesty’s staff is discovered dead in the pool house -at first it seems that this is just the case of “getting what she deserved” according to many characters, however, it is wrapped up in a more sinister smuggling plot. Once again it is up to the Queen and her APS to steer the authorities in the right direction.
  3. Miss Morton and the Deadly Inheritance (Book 3) by Catherine Lloyd

    Lady Caroline can’t seem to shake the complications from her father’s financial debacles and suicide. When a mysterious note from her solicitors arrive indicating that there is a new will; she seeks to find out what is going on -however, several individuals connected to it turn up dead. With the help of Mrs. Frogerton and her son, Samuel; Dr. Harris & Inspector Ross she launches an investigation.
  4. Death at The Savoy: A Priscilla Tempest Mystery (Book 1) by Ron Base & Prudence Emery

    Set in the 1960s in London, Priscilla heads up the PR department at The Savoy. She must clear her name and save her job when a man turns up dead in Room 705. The eclectic characters from the aristocracy and Hollywood add to the glitz and glamour.
  5. Princess of The Savoy: A Priscilla Tempest Mystery (Book 2) by Ron Base & Prudence Emery

    Just when Priscilla thought her crime solving days were behind her, there is a yet another crisis at The Savoy. Two Italian princes arrive at the hotel. One is a fascist hoping to topple the British government and the other is driven by visions to thwart his cousin and claim the Dukedom.
  6. Scandal at The Savoy: A Priscilla Tempest Mystery (Book 3) by Ron Base & Prudence Emery

    Priscilla finds out that a performer in one of the shows at The Savoy has been murdered. In order to solve this one she must summon help from her famous celebrity friends who are long time guests at the hotel as well as a few very well known gangsters.
Writing Prompt Wednesdays

September Journal #4

If you could build your own vacation resort, what is one attraction you would definitely include? 

This isn’t very original but the top attraction that my vacation resort would be the FOOD. I want a whole section to be a food experience. Whatever you’re craving you can get, there are culinary activities that take place there too. The only thing I would like but I know is impossible but I guess that’s the point isn’t it is…you can eat what you want, wherever you want and how much you want but you will never ever gain a pound while on vacation at my resort. In addition to the food there needs to be a world-class spa. Basically my resort would be the ultimate relaxing destination in the world. 

Prompt from: Piccadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts
What about you? Comment below!

Food & Drink

Back to the Vault: Glorious Green Beans

Before you know it fall will be here, which means lots of us are pulling the produce we grew from our gardens. Hopefully everyone had a bumper crop this year; to the point where you are running out of ideas for what to do with it all. I’m here to help… if you have a plethora of green beans and want something more exciting than pan frying them with a bit a of butter —check out these crowd pleasing recipes…

Glorious Green Beans

Writing Prompt Wednesdays

September Journal #3

Do you think table manners are important? why?

Manners are important, however, sadly in this impersonal digital world people struggle with the basics. Manners are what endear you to others at first impression. A polite “Hello, how are you?,”  “Have a nice day!,” “Please and thank you!;” they go a long way. If you don’t use your manners you are seen as rude and that first impression really can be the deciding factor of whether people like you or not. We are so conditioned for instantaneous gratification and so willing to “scroll” past someone both online and in person it’s crucial to use your manners. Social skills are so important and not many people have them.

Prompt from: Piccadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts
What about you? Comment below!

Baby Life

Product Review: Dr. Brown’s Deluxe Bottle Warmer & Sterilizer

I was super impressed by this item when I saw it on the shelf at Babies R Us because I could get two things for the price of one… and for a relatively cheap price. I am pretty sure I paid around $65 for it. I also like the idea that it would cut down clutter on my counter top; I wouldn’t need to find space for a sterilizer AND a bottle warmer.  

However, the charm wore off… pretty fast!

Although it is fast and easy to use I found a few issues with it….

  1. We use room temp ready to use formula or we give our little guy slightly chilled formula. He doesn’t mind and it makes being on the go easy since we don’t have the ability to warm formula while traveling. Plus even the “lowest temperature” is SCALDING!
  2. It’s really small; you can only use it for the small bottles. You can fit one small bottle and it’s pieces in at a time and let’s face it babies keep us busy enough it’s easy to get behind on bottle duty and then you are scrambling to do multiple loads.
  3. The allegedly “large reservoir” is only good for almost 3 cycles and it reservoir is a total and utter pain to take on and off
  4. It leaks; or the condensation is not accounted for and they need a collection tray or something because I am constantly wiping my counter and the floor when it drips down.
  5. The bottles are ALWAYS dripping wet; it’s almost like you need to buy a separate dryer. I have the bottle rack but in humid conditions airy drying takes forever. 

I do not recommend this product! 

I wish I would have bought the larger sterilizer instead. 

Writing Prompt Wednesdays

September Journal #2

Have you ever had something stolen from you?

Yes, many things!

-a boyfriend when I was 14

-my party shoes at Chuck E. Cheese while I was in the ball pit at age 4; my mother had to carry me the car; it was so upsetting!

-my sense of security when my car was broken into at age 25

-my childlike, carefree attitude when my grandmother had a stroke when I was in the fourth grade, AND  then again when my dad was diagnosed with cancer three years later AND then again three years after that when he died

-money; here and there

-time; constantly

We sure do lose a lot of things in this life!

Prompt from: Piccadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts
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